Maintenance Service

Maintenance Service

Dongsu can provide BOP control system maintenance, choke manifold control system maintenance, high pressure test unit maintenance, etc., mainly to increase benefits, reduce costs, save materials, optimize management, prolong equipment life, reduce production costs, and avoid Occurrence of safety accidents and production technology failures.

Key Points of Service

We provide professional maintenance services, and can provide equipment maintenance level judgments and service plans in accordance with API, industry, and enterprise standards according to customer requirements for maintenance and testing services. Inspect the equipment and provide an inspection report after the service.


  • Regular Maintenance & Inspection Records

    Track service progress throughout the process, records will be kept in files.

  • Regular Technical Maintenance & Inspection Service

    Provide service advice and proposal in accordance with different service cycles of equipment.

  • Regular Operator Training

    Basic operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, enhance technical skills, etc.

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