What Is the Difference Between an Annular Preventer and a Ram Preventer?

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An annular preventer is a type of blowout preventer (BOP) used in oil and gas drilling operations. It has a rubber sealing element that can expand or contract to seal off the wellbore in the event of a blowout.

The sealing element is shaped like a doughnut or annulus, which gives the annular preventer its name. Annular preventers are typically used to seal around a drill pipe, casing, or other irregularly shaped objects.

On the other hand, a ram preventer is also a type of BOP used in oil and gas drilling operations. It has two or more metal plates, called rams, that can be moved horizontally to seal off the wellbore.

In this article, I will like to show you some differences between an annular preventer and a ram preventer.

blowout preventer (BOP)

Difference between an annular preventer and a ram preventer

An annular preventer and a ram preventer are two types of blowout preventers used in the oil and gas industry to prevent the uncontrolled release of oil and gas from a well. Here are some key differences between the two:

Sealing Mechanism

An annular preventer uses a rubber sealing element that can expand or contract to seal off the wellbore. The sealing element is shaped like a doughnut or annulus, which gives the annular preventer its name. In contrast, a ram preventer uses two or more metal plates, called rams, that can be moved horizontally to seal off the wellbore. Each ram has a rubber or metal sealing element that creates a seal around the drill pipe, casing, or another object in the wellbore.


Annular preventers are typically used to seal around a drill pipe, casing, or other irregularly shaped objects. They are particularly useful when dealing with unexpected or irregularly shaped objects. Ram preventers are typically used to seal around the pipe or other objects of a known size and shape. They are particularly useful when dealing with a wellbore that has been previously drilled and cased.

Pressure Rating

Annular preventers typically have a lower pressure rating than ram preventers. This is because the rubber sealing element of an annular preventer is not as strong as the metal sealing elements of a ram preventer. Therefore, annular preventers are often used in lower-pressure drilling operations, while ram preventers are used in higher-pressure drilling operations.


Annular preventers require less maintenance than ram preventers. This is because annular preventers have fewer moving parts and are less complex than ram preventers. As a result, annular preventers are often preferred for remote drilling operations where maintenance resources are limited.

While both annular preventers and ram preventers are used for blowout prevention, they have different sealing mechanisms, applications, pressure ratings, and maintenance requirements. The choice of which type of preventer to use depends on the specific wellbore conditions and the drilling operation requirements.

Contact us for any quality preventer

Having known some distinctions between these two preventers why not contact us for more details? You having a quality preventer that will last long is the best to opt for.

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