What Is a Choke Control Panel?

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The choke manifold is important when drilling oil or gas from the ground. Although it is a combination of some pipes and valves, its role in the equipment is integral, and to control its operation remotely, the choke manifold control panel is used.

How does a choke manifold control panel work?

A choke manifold control panel is the device that controls the hydraulic-based choke manifold. The manifold needs to be controlled to maintain efficient performance throughout the drilling process, and this control panel allows us to remotely control its operations. The main operations of this control panel include remodeling, closing, and opening the hydraulic choke valve.

Additionally, it works by displaying the status of manifold valves on the control panel. Apart from that, if the control panel is installed with a pump stroke counter, it can also display the frequency along with stroke count of the following:

  • Standpipe pressure
  • Casing pressure
  • Switching the position of the throttle valve

Thus, this control panel plays an integral role in maintaining the balanced pressure in the bottom hole. In oil and gas drilling technology, controlling kick and blowout is essential for successful operation.

 choke manifold control panel 

The main operational components of a choke manifold control panel

This control panel consists of multiple components, including the following:

  • Control cabinet sensor
  • Electric control device
  • Hydraulic pressure hoses
  • Cables
  • Valves (choke, check, safety, relief, stop)
  • Customizable control systems
  • Kill switches.
  • Pump (electric, manual, or pneumatic)
  • Oil reservoir
  • Digital meter

Tips to install and use the choke manifold control panel.

For perfect operation of the control panel, it is necessary to install it correctly. Some recommendations regarding the right installation of the manifold and its control panel includethe following:

  • If you are not using the remote control panel, the choke must be installed outside the rig. However, if you use the choke manifold control panel for remote operation, you can install it in an inaccessible zone with the control panel in an accessible zone.
  • You must operate all the drilling chokes of the system with hydraulics using the control panel. It will ensure stable drilling performance.
  • The choke manifold and control panel must deliver all the information to the system for efficient automation. This data includes pump strokes, casing pressure, and drill pipe pressure.
  • The control panel must be used to track fluid temperature in the manifold, which must be heated to prevent the manifold from freezing.
  • Use the control panel to maintain the same working pressure for the upstream valves and the chokes, as well as the working pressure of operational ram BOP's

With these tips, the choke manifold can be utilized much better, thanks to the remote operating control panel. However, for the best operation, getting the right control panel with all the required specifications is necessary.

Learn more about the perfect choke control panels.

Meeting the specific needs of your drilling and working equipment is essential when working on a bigger project. While the choke manifold keeps your machinery going, using the choke manifold control panel enhances the overall performance of this whole system. So, learn more about these to get the perfect one for your needs.


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