What Is Hydrostatic Pressure Testing?

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Hydrostatic pressure testing checks leaks in industrial equipment like tubing, pipelines, cylinders, boilers, and everything else that deals with pressurized gases and liquids. We use the high pressure test unit to monitor leaks under certain conditions.

How does hydrostatic pressure testing work?

It is a process where a system is induced to a specific pressure and tested on how it reacts to that pressure. The simplest explanation of its working is that containers are filled up to their designed capacity with a high pressure water flow.

This high pressure and specific capacity allow engineers to locate small leaks that couldn't be otherwise seen. These leaks usually happen at joints and welds, so the engineers can be much more efficient with the inspection. The role of a high pressure test unit is to ensure if there is a leak or not. So, the engineers only spend their time checking the leakage part.

What is the importance of hydrostatic testing and high pressure test unit?

This method of testing is used for multiple uses. The main goal is to test the integrity of pressurized vessels integrated into your industry. Some instances where these tests are very important to include:

Testing right after installation or repairing

Whenever equipment is installed or repaired, this testing becomes essential. It is because engineers can ensure that the building has been installed correctly. Thus, they can verify if the installation is perfect and if there are no potential leaks that need to work on. So, the engineers can notify that the equipment is safe to use with regular working conditions under the same requirements.

 high pressure test unit

After a downtime

Sometimes industrial equipment gets downtime. That might be a weekend break or holiday season. Some small leakages get contaminated and filled with contaminants with time. However, when the equipment is turned on after some time, those contaminants may flush away, exposing the leakage, and the equipment will become technically dangerous to work with. So, hydrostatic testing becomes very important after a downtime.

What equipment is involved in the test unit?

The hydrostatic pressure testing unit is comprised of certain parts. The first is a hydraulic pump that provides the correct pressure when filling pressurized vessels. It helps in testing the functionality and performance of machinery that works with hydraulic pumps because the testing pump can mimic the original one without needing to run the whole machinery. Thus, engineers can test multiple things, including:

  • Flow rate
  • Viscosity
  • Temperature
  • Seals in the system
  • Working on the in-built pump

All of these factors collectively work to make the pressure relief valve work.

Apart from the hydraulic pump, the test unit also involves pneumatic equipment that tests the performance of high-pressure equipment under various parameters like flow, humidity, pressure, etc. It is used to check the pneumatic systems of your machinery.

Find out which high pressure test unit meets your requirements.

Every industry has different requirements for applying a high pressure test unit. So, if you are also looking to get one for your industry, make sure to understand the technical requirements and specifications of the test unit for the best experience.


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