Suggestions and Preparation After Winter Shutdown

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Precautions For Starting Hydraulic Control Equipment After Shutdown in Winter

In order to ensure the normal operation of the BOP control system after the shutdown in winter and prevent the occurrence of freeze damage accidents of the hydraulic control equipment, the equipment should pay attention to the performance of each component and do a good job of inspection to avoid accidents when it is used again after a long shutdown in winter.

Note the following when starting the equipment after shutdown in winter:

  1. Check whether the components are intact, without bruising, external damage and other phenomena affecting the bearing capacity defects;
  2. Check the oil tank hydraulic oil,  whether the amount of oil is sufficient;
  3. Check whether there is water or ice in the water cup of the air source triplex water distributor, and whether there is enough hydraulic oil in the oil cup of the Lubricator;
  4. Check whether the main power cable is complete and there is no external damage;
  5. Switch on the main power supply, turn on the heater of the house, and heat the equipment inside the house (at this time, it is recommended to put the main air source pipeline into the house for heating and insulation, to ensure that there is no ice and other impurities in the pipeline). The heating is expected to last for 1 hour;
  6. Turn on the tank heater to heat the hydraulic oil in the tank;
  7. Remove the low pressure filter screen on the electric pump group and the pneumatic pump group for cleaning, and install it back as required;
  8. Remove the high pressure filter screen for cleaning, and install it back as required;
  9. Check the nitrogen pressure of the accumulator to meet the standard requirements;
  10. Check that the high pressure hose connecting to the BOP is properly installed as required;
  11. Open the drain stop valve of the equipment, turn the main switch of the electric pump set to the manual gear, and check the steering of the electric pump group, which shall be consistent with the direction of the indicating nameplate;
  12. Turn the main switch of the electric pump group to automatic gear. Empty operation the electric pump, fully exhaust the pipeline, expected to run 5-10 minutes;
  13. Connect the main air source pipeline, empty operation the pneumatic pump froup. Check the operation of the pneumatic pump group to ensure that there is no abnormal vibration and sound, and it is expected to run for 5-10 minutes (it can be carried out at the same time with the electric pump group);
  14. Connect the driller's panel and check the functions of the operation panel;
  15. The equipment shall carry out the charging test to check whether the automatic start and stop of the electric pump group and the pneumatic pump group work normally;
  16. Steady pressure test, check whether there is leakage of pipelines, joints and other connections.

After the above startup work is completed and confirmed, the hydraulic control equipment can be continued to use.











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